The House
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House offers quality, affordable activities in an attractive suburban environment. Our vision is to be a friendly neighbourhood house where people in the community find opportunities to develop supportive social connections through participation and social engagement. We value inclusion and diversity and welcome people from all backgrounds, identities and life experiences.
Office Hours: The office is staffed during the Victorian school terms.
Mondays: 9am – 4.30pm
Tuesdays: 9am – 3pm
Wednesdays: 9am – 4.30pm
Thursdays: 10am – 2.30pm
Fridays: The office is open by appointment.
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House is one of ten Neighbourhood and Community Houses in the network of Whitehorse Community Houses (WCH) and is a member of the Network of Inner Eastern Community Houses (NIECH) and the peak body Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHVic). The House receives recurrent funding from the Victorian Government Department of Families, Fairness & Housing (DFFH) Neighbourhood Houses Coordination Program (NHCP) and the City of Whitehorse Community Partnership Program. Recurrent grants are supplemented by participant class and activity fees, other grants and donations and venue rental to individuals, groups and businesses within the community, Enquiries are welcome.